Greetings to all you elementary music teachers out there! I know all of you are winding down your school year, preparing students for all those year-end performances. If you are like me, it can be exhausting and rewarding at the same time. It does us all good to look back on the year we have had in AMEA as well as look ahead to next year and all the things planned for our AMEA teachers and their students.
After the canceled conference in January, the AMEA executive board was determined to ensure that all student performances were rescheduled. They all worked tirelessly to secure venues and communicate dates and other information with our teachers, students, and parents.
Congratulations to Kitty Stone Singers and director, Cheryl J. Wight, on their outstanding performance in Anniston on February 29. The students were so excited to be able to share the music they had prepared for us at conference in this rescheduled concert. Way to go, Kitty Stone Singers!
Please consider having your elementary ensemble perform for us at the next AMEA Professional Development Conference in Birmingham at the BJCC. AMEA is now accepting Concert Performance Applications at Concert Performance Application Link, and we need elementary groups to perform. The application deadline is June 1, 2024.
In addition, AMEA is now accepting Session Applications for the 2025 Conference. Please consider applying to present a session Clinic Session Application Link. The application deadline June 1, and accepted clinicians will be notified no later than August 15.
The inaugural performance of our Elementary All-State Choir was held on March 22 in Huntsville. We had 22 teachers and 126 students from 25 schools participate. Greg Gilpin, our guest conductor, led the students all day in rehearsal and in the spectacular concert that evening. You will definitely want to plan for your students to participate in the next Elementary All-State Choir in 2026 in Birmingham. Your students will learn, grow, and mature as young musicians through this rewarding opportunity.
Now, it is time to look ahead and make sure you are planning for your students to participate in our next Elementary Music Festival scheduled for October 25, 2024, at Metropolitan Church of God in Hoover. The festival is a one-day event designed for students in grades 4-6 that will culminate with a concert open to the public at 6:30 that evening. You do not want to miss the opportunity to have your students work with our outstanding guest clinicians, Dr. Erika Knapp and Dr. Morgan Luttig.
I hope you all have had a productive school year, and I sincerely wish you a restful summer. Be sure to keep your AMEA membership current so your students can benefit from all these wonderful AMEA opportunities. Also, be sure to follow AMEA Elementary on Facebook for the latest updates and reminders. Your Elementary board members and district chairs look forward to seeing you next year.
Elementary executive board
- President – Alicia Luttrell
- President-Elect – Jason Jackson
- Treasurer – Devin Lacey
- Secretary – Melissa Galanopoulos
- Past-President – Sarah McLendon
- Festival Director—Taylor Knuppel
- District Chairs
- District 1: Lea Hoppe & Viktoria Truesdail
- District 2: Karen Morgan & Jamie Howell
- District 3: Trudye Confessore & Kris Lindley
- District 4: Laura Clevenger & Kaitlyn Melton
- District 5: Katie Boyd
- District 6: Christy Clark
- District 7: Regina Williams
- District 8: Andrea Marsh