AMEA Conference
What an incredible AMEA Professional Development Conference we had! The excitement in the air was contagious! I believe we all had a deeper sense of appreciation this year because of last year’s cancellation. I am so appreciative of the AMEA Board, and especially the ABA Board, for all of the work they put into making this year a resounding success. Congratulations again to all of the performing groups; Bumpus MS Jazz and Percussion Ensemble, Pizitz MS Honor Band, Fairhope HS Wind Ensemble, Grissom HS Symphonic Band, Thompson HS Wind Ensemble, Tuscaloosa County HS Percussion Ensemble, and the Jacksonville State University Brass Band.
One of the many highlights of the conference was the keynote address by Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser and his message of how band directors have a tremendous impact on our students. We, as band directors, hold a unique and powerful role in shaping the lives of our students. Our influence extends beyond the notes played in a classroom, it creates ripples that can inspire, encourage, and transform young people for a lifetime. It is a responsibility that we must embrace and respect for the well-being of each child we teach. As you move forward into the second semester, be mindful of this impact and let it guide you in your daily work.
ABA Election
We had an outstanding slate of candidates and I want to congratulate the newly elected officers President-Elect Dr. Gene Butler, Recording Secretary Mr. William Mixon, and Jazz Education Chairman-Elect Mr. James Crumb, Jr. I know they will serve our organization well. The Proposed Legislation 2025 results are: Proposal 25.1 Passed Proposal 25.2 Passed.
Moving forward we have many programs that are preparing for our State Music Performance Assessment. Please make sure you are using the Cumulative List (Searchable) on the website, for the most up-to-date list to choose your list piece. Also, take a moment to look at the Sight-reading guidelines, the new adjudication sheets, and other general information that is also available on our website.
Another upcoming event for ABA is our Jazz Music Performance Assessment. The Jazz MPA Registration is now open in the Members Area of alaband.org. The dates this year are Thursday, April 17, 2025, hosted by Thompson HS, and Monday, April 21, 2025, at the Alabama Center for the Arts in Decatur. All information about the classification of bands, expectations, and the rubric are also posted on the website under the Jazz Division tab.
ABA All-State Band and Solo Festival
I am extremely excited about the 2025 All-State Band and Solo Festival. I encourage your students to participate in the Solo Festival. It is such a wonderful opportunity for musical growth! We are fortunate to have five incredible conductors for our All-State Bands this year Mr. Eugene Corporon will serve as our Red Band Conductor, and Mr. Randall D. Standridge will be our White Band Conductor. Dr. Peter Boonshaft will conduct the Blue Band, Dr. Mary Land and Mr. William Owens will conduct the Middle School Bands. We will present a series of clinics on Friday, April 11th, and I know everyone will benefit from the knowledge and inspiration that will be shared with us. We also have great exhibits to keep everyone engaged in all things Band! Let’s work together to make the 2025 All-State Band Festival impactful, influential, and responsible on all levels! See you in Mobile!