Why write for the Ala Breve?

- Quick turnaround from submission to acceptance to print.
- Published four times a year.
- Articles of general interest to all members.
- Readership of over 1,500 music educators.
- Distributed to state MEA leaders across the United States.
- High likelihood of reprint in other state MEA journals.
- Distinguished authors from across the U.S.
Guidelines for Contributors
The Alabama Music Educators Association would like to invite you to write an article for publication in the Ala Breve, the official journal for the AMEA. You are invited to write about ANY topic, so long as it helps music teachers understand and improve their practice. The format can range from a practitioner article to an insightful literature review.
Feature articles, letter, & news items
- Please use Microsoft Word or Word compatible, 12-point Times New Roman type, single-spaced, default (Normal) margins, no extra space between paragraphs or other special formatting.
- Musical examples, illustrations, or other figures should not be embedded in the text, but sent as separate PDF or graphics files. Please label them carefully, and indicate in the text where they are to be inserted.
- Feature articles should be no more than 1500-3000 words.
- Please use the highest resolution possible. Low-resolution photos do not print well in a magazine.
- Send in jpg, tiff or press ready PDF, or PSD (Photoshop) format. Images too large to be sent by email may be shared in Dropbox or Google Docs.
- To be considered for the cover, photos should be in portrait orientation. It is helpful if there is space at the top of the photo above the visual center of interest to accommodate the magazine’s masthead.
- August/September issue: July 15
- October/November issue: September 15
- February/March issue: January 15
- May/June issue: April 15