There is nothing quite like the AMEA Conference to bring music educators together. AOA, as always, took full advantage of this time together to learn and grow in our craft. Our featured clinician this year was Dr. Brenda Brenner, string music education faculty at the University of Indiana, Jacobs School of Music. Her sessions reminded us that we are teaching children we need to set them up for success at their level, especially within the difficult instruments we teach. A highlight was learning how to make theory AWESOME and applicable for string students of all ages. AOA also had other presenters focusing on conducting, technology in the rehearsal space, and error detection. For the first time in many years, AOA was honored to exhibit a string orchestra in concert: the Northridge Middle School String Orchestra, conducted by Trey Hedgemon. We hope this performance encourages orchestras from across the state to apply to perform at AMEA at future concerts. AOA continued its tradition of performing in a Lobby Concert after the Keynote Address. This performance was conducted and coordinated by Keith LaBenne (AOA President-Elect).
We would be remiss to not mention an honor bestowed on AOA member Dr. Anne Witt. Dr. Witt was recognized at the Friday evening awards ceremony for 60 years of membership to NAfME. Many educators in the state of Alabama and the USA owe their teaching knowledge to Dr. Witt. The world of music education would be a very different place without her. Congratulations, Dr. Witt. We are so lucky to have you in the state of Alabama.
As in years past, we concluded our time together at AMEA with a sight-reading session of music graciously provided by J.W. Pepper. Not only does it allow our string educators a chance to hear and play newly composed works, but it also provides another chance for fellowship and fun for our members. We share stories, trade instruments to play different parts and take turns conducting, allowing everyone a chance at some fun. This session provides a small look at what AMEA offers to every music educator in Alabama. Not only a chance to be reminded of our why and how, but a chance to be with others like ourselves. In the case of AOA, we are so spread across the state, that this is often the only opportunity we have to convene in this way without the responsibility of running an event. AOA is so grateful to the AMEA board for organizing this event and allowing AOA to take part.
Looking to the future, AOA is very excited about our upcoming events. In February, we will host the All-State Orchestra Festival on the campus of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. We have three fabulous clinicians who have selected three rigorous and fun programs for our students.
Festival Orchestra – Doug Droste, Baldwin Wallace University Conservatory of Music
- Lightspeed, Kevin Day
- Our Town, Aaron Copland
- Symphony No. 4, mvt. 3&4, P.I. Tchaikovsky
Sinfonia – Dr. Timothy Heath, Wake Forest University
- Procession of the Nobles, Rimsky-Korsakoff
- Water Reflections, Yukiko Nishimura
- Finlandia, Sibelius
Consort String Orchestra – Matthew Nix, New Trier High School
- Symphony No. 52, Allegro assai con brio, Haydn arr. McBrien
- Orchid, Yukiko Nishimura
- Symphony No. 2, mvt. 2, Mahler arr. Lipton
- Swamp Thang, Richard Meyer
On April 4, AOA will host the Orchestra Music Performance Assessment at Thompson High School. Registration will be on the AOA website.
Finally, we are so glad to announce that the Region Orchestra events originally scheduled in January will be rescheduled for May 24-25. North Region will be relocated to Huntsville High School. South Region will be relocated to Greenville High School. Please continue to check the website for new details.
AOA hopes to continue to grow and support Alabama in creating more orchestral opportunities across the state. We would be nowhere without the support of its members, AOA, and the student musicians of Alabama.
Continually grateful,
Jordan Kirchner Ford
President, Alabama Orchestra Association