The AMEA Young Composers Competition has been created to encourage Alabama’s developing student composers by providing professional-level review and consideration. By recognizing outstanding student compositions, this process will support Alabama music teachers by recognizing their ef orts to incorporate the NAfME standards. It is also hoped that this kind of professional recognition will provide a showcase for the composition talents of these young Alabama musicians.
Competition Guidelines and Regulations
Eligibility: Open to students grades K-College
Requirements: Compose a solo, song, string quartet, concerto, or any medium of choice in one of the categories. Score Format: TWO copies of an original score must be sent with the entry form. Hand-written and computer generated formats are accepted. Measures MUST be numbered on each score submitted. Tape, CD, or computer generated recordings are encouraged but not mandatory.
Contest Rules and Procedures:
- The sponsoring teacher must be an AMEA member.
- Entries must be original unpublished compositions. No transcriptions or arrangements will be eligible.
- The purpose of the competition is to encourage student composers. Therefore, the compositions must be conceived and constructed by the composer.
- Entries shall be between 1-8 minutes in length.
- Compositions must be submitted with a full score. Recordings are welcome but not mandatory.
- Please do not send parts with your score.
- The composer’s name must appear on the score and recording (if available).
The date of the composition must appear on the title page. - All entries must be postmarked by DECEMBER 9TH.
- Finalists will be selected from all submitted entries.
- All rights, including copyright, remain with the composer.
- Submitted materials will not be returned.
- Compositions submitted must not be previously published and must not have won any other competitions.
- The Panel of judges may include qualified University composition faculty, members of the music industry, composers,
and other music educators. Their decision will be final, with the right to withhold awards if no entry is judged worthy. - Each composer may submit one entry.
- Finalist(s) will be recognized at the AMEA convention.
Judging: Entries will be accepted in the following divisions and categories:
Division 1 – Elementary (K-5)
Division 2 – Middle (6-8)
Division 3 – High (9-12)
Division 4 – College
Composers may enter a piece from any of the FIVE categories below:
- Category A: Solo composition (including a song with accompaniment; an orchestral
- instrument with accompaniment, e.g. violin sonata).
- Category B: Chamber piece for a duo, trio, quintet, etc. (other than string quartet).
- Category C: Orchestral/Band/Choral. (Large ensemble work)
- Category D: String Quartet.
- Category E: Jazz – a piece for a jazz ensemble. (combo or large ensemble)
Points (100):
- 30 points – structure, musical creativity, and development.
- 30 points – compositional technique; use of instrument(s).
- 30 points – melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic consideration.
- 10 points – presentation (to include correct musical notation).
Prizes & Awards: Composition finalists will be recognized at the AMEA conference.
Entry fee: $20.00 Checks should be made payable to AMEA.
Deadline: Postmarked on or before December 9th.
Entry: Send composition and completed entry form to:
AMEA Young Composers Competition
c/o Patrick Darby
Pike Road High School
696 Georgia Washington Road
Pike Road, AL 36064