Why advertise in the Ala Breve?
- Attractive format. Pictures and art used throughout to draw interest.
- Enameled paper stock. Crisp halftone, clean line and type reproduction.
- Ads with full gray scale, two-color, or full color from solid black to clean white.
- Ads distributed throughout volume. The reader is more likely to concentrate on your ad message.
- News items of interest to all music directors creates interest.
- Professional notices and schedules keeps magazine on reader’s desk.
- Articles of general interest to all members.
- Readership of over 1,500 music educators.
- Distributed to other state leaders across the United States.
Advertise with AMEA!
You’re Invited! As a supplier of products and services of interest to the music educators in Alabama, we would like to invite you to participate as an advertiser in the Alabama Music Educators Association’s official publication, the Ala Breve. The publications are circulated to music educators in Alabama by mail and are available for viewing online on the AMEA website.
Number of Issues! Four annual issues contain information concerning the various all‐state meetings, the annual AMEA Professional Development Conference, as well as information from division chairs. Please refer to the ad rates and specs sheet below for publication dates and deadlines, technical information and advertising rates.
Free Issues! Should you elect to advertise in our publication, you will receive a copy of the issue of Ala Breve containing your ad and will be billed after the distribution of each issue containing your advertisement.
Save $! Please review the Industry Membership page for an opportunity for you to save money on advertising while partnering with AMEA to support music education in Alabama.
Hard Copy Samples! If, in making your decision concerning our publication, you should need a hard copy sample of our magazine, we will, as supplies lasts, forward one to you. Request these from the editor!
Please Reach Out with Questions! Thank you in advance for your interest in our journal. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional information. We look forward to hearing from you!